rowing, bottom: sole, transom: no, capacity 288 kg, seats: 3
Description Reviews Overview
the motor-propeller, bottom: rack and pinion, transom: Yes, load capacity 350 kg, seats: 3
the motor-propeller, bottom: sole, transom: Yes, capacity 233 kg, seats: 2
rowing, bottom: sole, transom: no, load capacity 233 kg, seats: 2
rowing, bottom: sole, transom: no, capacity 235 kg, seats: 2
rowing, bottom: sole, transom: no, capacity 197 kg, seats: 2
propeller, transom: no, capacity 197 kg, seats: 2
rowing, bottom: , transom: no, capacity 197 kg seats: 1
propeller, transom: no, capacity 185 kg seats: 1